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Most realize that the end-times prophecies of the Bible are a series of events, not a single event. And, if you are a regular at FP, you know that we believe there may have been a series of events occur in the real world that match. Israel was reborn, the old Roman Empire is being revived, a 10-nation alliance appeared, the first Mr. Europe appeared, and his Office and power are both connected with the number 666. On top of all this, in 1995 Mr. Europe negotiated a covenant with many nations -- including Israel, that today has become the foundational agreement upon which a new structure for peace over the Euro-Mediterranean region may soon become a reality. Perhaps the most controversial event, however, happened on January 1, 2007. That's when Mr. Europe's New European Neighbourhood Policy (NENP) began. You see, the NENP is a seven-year program specifically designed to strengthen, or make strong, the 1995 covenant. In other words, it's purpose is to confirm Mr. Europe's covenant with many for seven years. For those who know the prophetic Scripture, the implications are obvious. We could already be in Daniel's 70th week. That's why this event is so controversial. Of course, we have no way of knowing this for sure. There still could be another agreement come along to be confirmed for a period of seven years. However, at this time, there is nothing that I know about that comes close to matching the prophecies as accurately as the events that we have before us. So, until I see something better, I'll be keeping my eyes where they are. This brings us to another event in the series of events that make up Bible prophecy. That event is the great apostasy. I was told that each week in America 100 more churches close their door for good. Today, I watched a TV preacher nearly shouting about how mighty we all are as Christians. He said we have angels going before and after us. As I listened to his words, I thought about what has already been set in motion, and soon may be testing our spiritual mettle. You see, if we are already in the 70th week of Daniel, then the great end-time apostasy may have already begun. The Apostle Paul said: Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (2 Thess. 2:3 New American Standard Bible). Interpreters have long understood from related Scripture that in the above passage Paul was referring to an end-time falling away from the faith (Daniel 9:27, 1 Tim. 4:1, 2 Tim. 4:1-4). However, some prophecy teachers have lifted this passage from it's context. I'm talking, of course, about those who say Paul was talking about the rapture of the church, and not a falling away from the faith. Whether the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is true or not, handling God's word in this fashion, in my opinion, is always wrong. But, if we're not careful, we can all be guilty of Scripture twisting -- myself included. That's why we should be slow to accuse other Christians of apostasy. Just being right about particular doctrines doesn't necessarily make us exempt. I've seen some terrible things done in the name of righteousness. That too is apostasy. 05-04-2007