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I've always given pastor Rick Warren of Saddleback Church the benefit of the doubt. Although I known that Warren, like so many other of our modern-day pastors, seems to thumb his nose at Bible prophecy, I've always found elements of his ministry to appreciate. After reading what Warren thinks of fundamentalism, perhaps I shouldn't any more Read about it here I And here. And, after what I saw last night, this may also be true of TBN's Paul Crouch. As you may know, last December Crouch dropped Hal Lindsey's TV show from his network. Last night I may have heard Crouch explaining why. Evidently, he wants to make his network more acceptable for possible entry into Muslim controlled territories. Interestingly, for support for this cause, Crouch aired a prophecy that was given to him on New Years Eve by so-called prophet Kim Clement. Clement proclaimed that God was giving Crouch's ministry the Middle East. Here's what bothers me about this. Clement is an important prophet of the growing New Apostolic Reformation Movement. This movement's desire is to restore the offices of Apostles and Prophets to the church. The way I see it, it's just another attempt at undoing the Reformation. In other words, I believe the harlot of Revelation chapter 17 -- the one that rides the beast -- may once again be raising her head. And, this time in our own evangelical circles. Here's what I fear: I suspect that both Warren and Crouch may be unwittingly falling victim to the globalist's agenda. To put it in biblical terms, both men appear to be rejecting the reproach of Christ for the approval of men. That doesn't mean their motives aren't good. It just means, as Jesus once had to point out to the Apostle Peter, our minds need to be fixed on God's interests and not man's (Matthew 16:23). So, Warren doesn't like fundamentalism. I know, fundamentalism can be bad. In fact, since experiencing the events of 9/11, we all know fundamentalism can be dangerous. But, even more dangerous can be our lumping all fundamentalist groups together. The fact is, Christian fundamentalism is usually far different than Muslim -- or even Jewish -- fundamentalism. And, both Warren and Crouch should know that. If you doubt what I'm saying, take a look at the Reformation that some -- like I believe Clement -- are attempting to undo. If it wasn't for the sacrifices of the Anabaptist fundamentalists of Europe, the American concept of separation of church and state would probably have never become a political reality. And, we most likely would never have enjoyed the freedom to interpret the Bible for ourselves. Instead, we would still have a clergy telling us all what to believe and do. Like I said at the beginning, Warren evidently thumbs his nose at Bible prophecy. After reading the above two articles, we may now know why. Religious folk -- whether Christian, Jewish or Muslim -- who expect to see a foretold end-time series of events , are considered by the world to be fundamentalists -- an arch enemy of globalism. Friends, that's us here at FulfilledProphecy -- whether we like the term or not. Actually, I agree with Warren's analysis. According to my understanding of Bible prophecy, fundamentalists will become the 21st century's big enemy. If you recall, the coming Antichrist and his 10 kings will wage war against the Lamb and His saints for a period of about 3 1/2 years (Revelation 13: 7, 17:14). It's my opinion this wicked campaign will ultimately be incorporated into the West's global war against terror. It's just sad to see which side of this war some unknowingly are on. Stay tuned! 01-14-06