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Yesterday morning the time I usually spend writing my commentary was taken up searching for the news I thought most relevant to Bible prophecy. By the time I found it, I had to go to work. So, I just posted links under the heading, Something's up, hoping my readers could put it together for themselves. Later, I noticed a poster on our discussion board started a thread to discuss what I meant by saying, Something's up. In a short time the replies were posted. And you know what? I couldn't have written a better commentary than the answers posted. So, next time you see me just post links without a commentary, you'll understand why. And if you don't understand why I posted the links, go to our discussion board and start a thread on the subject. In a short time, you may have a FulfilledProphecy commentary. You see, God's true people share something in common. We may not agree about everything. In fact, if you've been on our discussion board, you will have noticed some tempers flaring and sparks flying. But, even though we sometimes have strong disagreements, there is still something stronger that holds us together. We may leave in a huff. But, we always come back. What is that something that holds us together? That something is Jesus. And in Jesus, we are one. This brings us to President George W. Bush. Yesterday Bush held an important press conference. In fact, it was so important Bush's opening statement was the longest in presidential press conference history Read it here. I'm not going to get into the issues of his statement. We all know what they are. What I want to address is how we evangelical Christians are struggling over how to interpret what we're seeing in the man George W. Bush. Some of us evangelicals are seeing a godly man -- one of us -- bravely taking on a wicked and godless world. Others are seeing a man who is creating a dangerous linkage of religion and politics that could threaten our freedoms more than anything America's unbelieving left has to offer. So, which is it? Is Bush God's man for the hour, or is he Satan's man for the hour? Here's what I think. There is no way either you or I can know for sure. We don't know what's done in secret, or the thoughts in a man's heart. Only God knows these things. In the mean time, we Christians have an obligation -- like the Apostle Paul -- to proclaim the kingdom of God (Acts 28:31). The kingdom of God was first offered to Israel by Jesus, but Israel refused it. The result was, it was offered to the Gentile nations (Matthew 4:17, 22:42-44). It first took root in Asia Minor. That's why Jesus sent letters to His seven churches there. He wanted them to understand their purpose on earth. They were to hold back the darkness (Revelation chapters 1-3). The kingdom of God spread from Asia Minor to other parts of the world. In time, it ended up taking root in a big way in America. And in so doing, it became a powerful effluence for good in the world. In fact, we live in a day when other nations are attempting to imitate America. Unfortunately, the kingdom of God can't be imitated -- there is only one. And, it comes upon us from heaven when we turn to Jesus for deliverance from evil (Matthew 12:28). You see, God is demonstrating something to the world through His churches. That's why to one of the seven churches in Asia Minor the Apostle Paul wrote: To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places (Epheisians 3:8-10 New American Standard Bible). Two thousand years later, that demonstration by God has been clearly made. And if people can't see it by now, it's only because they don't want to. And this being the case, what Jesus once said about Israel, He can now say to the entire world. If I had not done among them the works which no one else did, they would not have sin; but now they have both seen and hated Me and My Father as well (John 15:24). In his opening statement, President Bush said before 9/11 America wasn't on a war footing. But, the enemy was. Christian, that's the way we've become. We're no longer on a war footing, but our enemy is. We're arguing when we need to be working. Night is coming. 04-14-04