Some may be wondering why I suspect we may be so near the tribulation period. They also wonder how I can see so much significance in the part Javier Solana may be playing in end-times prophecy. After all, Solana isn't even the EU's new Foreign Minister yet. That won't happen until after the EU's new Constitution is ratified by each member state. The ratification process could take years. It might not even happen. Where's the urgency? I base my view on what Bible prophecy tells us is to happen in the end times. For many years, it's been commonly believed the Roman Empire will be revived under a 10-nation alliance, led by one man, with a Mediterranean foreign policy agenda. Friends, the reason I think the tribulation may be near is because all of above is exactly what is happening. The revived Roman Empire appears to be the expanding European Union. The 10-nation alliance seems to be the Western European Union. And, the one man leading these 10 nations with a Mediterranean foreign policy is, at this time, the EU's High Representative Javier Solana. And, after the EU's new Constitution is ratified, Solana will become the EU's first, super Foreign Minister. The reason I call it "super" Foreign Minister is because this post will combine three present positions into one. As far as foreign and security policy is concerned, it will merge the EU's Foreign Affairs Commissioner, the EU's rotating Presidency and Solana's office of High Representative into one powerful new post. But, here's the rub: I think it's a big mistake for us to be waiting for the ratification of the EU's new Constitution. It's my opinion, more and more each day Solana is already operating under his new powers. You see, the other two offices are now both lame duck offices. And, since the Madrid bombings, the EU's foreign and security policy concerns are considered urgent. And, this brings us to the scariest part of it all -- the international communities war against terror. You see, it's my opinion the coming Antichrist and his 10-nation alliance will use their war against terror to wage their 3 1/2 year campaign against God's people in the tribulation period. The Bible tells us: The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom, but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour. These have one purpose, and they give their power and authority to the beast. These will wage war against the Lamb, and the Lamb will overcome them, because He is Lord of lords and King of kings, and those who are with Him are the called and chosen and faithful (Revelation 17:12-14 New American Standard Bible). Friends, look up. The sky is red from the coming storm. Jesus will be coming soon. 08-02-04