What Herb Thinks
Is This The Deal?!!

Hang on brothers and sisters -- events with major prophetic implications are occurring at explosive speed.

I wasn't planning on a second commentary. But when I saw these two reports from EUobserver (Read about it here) and the Herald Tribune (Read about it here) , and then I noticed that photograph of those shaking hands, it suddenly all came together. This could be the deal!

As I've been saying, I fear the Western leaders have made a deal. For American to get the EU's help in Iraq, America would have to support the EU's enforcement of the Road Map in Israel (See what Herb thinks 10-1-03).  And according to the latest reports, it looks like that's exactly what's happening. NATO may be taking command in both Iraq and Israel -- in Iraq with American and coalition forces on the ground, in Israel it will be European forces.

But, where's the deal for Israel? That's where that hand shake helped. You see, The EU's Javier Solana has been voicing his anger over the Israeli government's boycott of all officials who meet with Arafat (Read about it here). Furthermore, Solana has voiced the same anger over Israel's refusal to stop building the fence to protect the Israeli settlers in Judea (Read about it here).

Israel, on the other hand, needs the fence to protect the settlers from Palestinian terrorists. So here's the deal -- the fence comes down and patrolling NATO forces take it's place. In other words, Javer Solana and his 10-nation EU/NATO forces guarantee the security of Israel! 

And surprise, surprise. The coming joint EU/NATO exercise appears to be practice for this very thing (Read what Herb thinks 11-13-03). According to the EUobserver, this is the scenario for the EU/NATO operation: 

There is ethnic tension between at least two groups and then there is a peace agreement and it involves the possible deployment of EU resources. 

Sound familiar? It should. Their scenario sounds a lot like Daniel 11:23.

Now here's my point: If this is the deal, it all makes sense. You see, if and when a deal of this type is violated, the Judean settlers would have to flee for their lives. And, Jesus' words of warning will have to be fulfilled. Jesus said:

Therefore when you see the abomination of desolation which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand); then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains (Matthew 24:15-16 New American Standard Bible).

So, is this the deal?

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.