What Herb Thinks
The EU Empire

Hang on brothers and sisters in Jesus, our world is changing. As you know, yesterday I only posted links to news reports without my usual commentary. However, when taken together the implications for our world of these three reports are breathtaking. I'm talking about he EU/China summit (Read about it here), the EU/Russia summit (here) and the EU/India summit (here).

Now I've found another summit brewing -- an EU/Pakistan summit (Read about it here).

So, what's going on here? Well, as you may know, I believe we're seeing the fulfillment of the Bible prophecy about the revival of the old Roman Empire. And, this revival is now taking form in the expanding European Union.

I'm still astounded about Robert Cooper becoming Javier Solana's right-hand man. Solana, as you know, is the EU's first High Representative of Common Foreign and Security Policy. Do you think Solana's title is long? Cooper's title is even longer: Director General for External and Politico-Military Affairs, Council of the European Union.

Why does Solana's hiring of Cooper's astound me? For several reasons: First, Solana is supposed to be just a representative -- or foreign minister -- himself. So, why does Solana need a foreign minister -- Cooper? The answer, of course, is Solana must actually be something more.

Second, Cooper has been long advocating what he calls a "new imperialism." In other words, Cooper would like to see the creation of an EU empire. And, he seems to be in favor of employing what ever method is necessary to create it -- including using force and breaking current international law. In fact, he wants to change international law to allow it (Read about it here).

And third, and more importantly for we students of prophecy, Cooper's vision of empire building has apparently become Solana's foreign policy strategy.

Now, some may reason it's only my interpretations of the prophecies that make me suspicious about the EU's intentions. Well, even before Solana hired Cooper, back in April 2002, a secular writer by the name of Brian Denny was warning about Cooper's and the EU's imperialist intentions. Denny said:

Cooper's "Reordering the World" has simply articulated Brussels drive to remove national democratic rights to allow the larger powers to internally dominate Europe and to externally build a global empire (Read about it here).

Yes indeed, we students of Bible prophecy have long expected this revival of the Roman Empire. And, Solana's hiring of Cooper and the recent flurry of strategic summits may now reveal even to non-believers that what the Bible said was coming, is actually coming.

The EU Empire.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.