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It seems the ancient practice of animal sacrifice continues into our present age. You may have seen the news reports from Turkey about the many injuries caused by amateurs attempting to do animal sacrifies. Turkey, you may recall, aspires to become a full member of the EU. If it does, however, these unsupervised animal sacrifies will have to stop. Before we discuss why, let's take a look at one of the reports: Over a thousand Turks spent the first day of the Muslim feast of Eid al-Adha in emergency wards on Sunday after stabbing themselves or suffering other injuries while sacrificing startled animals Read about it here. Why does news about modern-day animal sacrifies interest me? Because, if you have read my updated overview, you are aware that I think it's possible we may be entering the seven year period known as Daniel's 70th week. And, in the middle of the week, the Bible tells us that a coming European leader will put an end to animal sacrifies in the land of Israel (Daniel 9:27). As far as the beginning of the 70th week is concerned, I base my view on witnessing a series of real-time events that have the appearance of fulfilling the prophecies. And, until someone can -- in a sound fashion -- biblically and historically show me where these events don't fit the prophecies, I will continue with my present line of reporting. In the meantime, the evidence continues to mount. Today, with the entry of Romania and Bulgaria, the EU has become a vast union of twenty-seven European nations Read about it here. From now on, Romania and Bulgaria will have to conform to EU laws and standards -- one of which is EU standards on animal rights. And, according to this report Read it here, EU membership will put an end to Romania's long tradition of pig sacrifies. Although not in line for actual EU membership, Israel participates in the EU's European Neigborhood Policy (ENP). ENP nations are also expected, over time, to come into compliance with EU laws and standards. In the funding instrument for the "New" ENP that's scheduled to begin today, the animal rights element is found in the so-called "thematic programs."
Yes, the evidence mounts. 01-01-2007