I remind myself that Gilad Shalit isn't the only victim in this ugly conflict. But, when I look at his picture, it doesn't change the anger that I feel. This is how I see it: Israel's new Prime Minister Ehud Olmert knows for him this is a test. How he responds now will have lasting consequences both for his tiny nation and the world. In fact, that's the danger. You see, if he allows his anger to be fully expressed, the world would certainly condemn him and his nation. On the other hand, if he doesn't respond appropriately and decisively, he would be condemned by something far worse -- his own sense of justice. Of course, I may not be seeing it right. All I can really do is say how I would feel right now if I were in Olmert's shoes. When I look at the face of that young Israeli soldier, I see the face of evil. I see a wickedness that needs to be confronted. And, I deeply understand why Israeli tanks and soldiers would be positioning themselves outside Gaza Read about it here. So, when I say I see in his picture the face of evil, I'm not talking about Gilad -- I'm talking about those who would do him harm. Then again, I remind myself: Gilad Shalit isn't the only victim in this ugly conflict. And, my mind goes back to when it all began -- to humankind's fall into the powers wickedness, to man's first murder of his brother, to his creation of weapons and armies and the subsequent founding of so many cruel and godless empires. So, I became a Christian. What does this really mean? It means I made Jesus my God. That's because, to the world's great surprise, when judgment comes the face we'll see will be the face of Jesus. Here's why: Imagine what would happen if young Gilad Shalit was killed by his militant abductors. Some time later those same abductors appeared before God in judgment. And, when they looked up, the face they saw before them was Gilad's. Friends, that's the way it's going to be for us. The Bible tells us that Jesus was crucified and died because of our wickedness. And, this same Jesus will someday be our judge. Friends, the time to repent is now. Take a look at that picture of young Gilad. See the face of evil. 06-28-06