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Before we get to today's news, I'd like to present a little reminder. If you've been around the Bible prophecy scene since Hal Lindsey's phenomenal bestseller, The Late Great Planet Earth, you will instantly recognize the implication to what follows. Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, page 87
Hal Lindsey's TBN TV show on January 4, 2005
Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, page 87
Hal Lindsey's TBN TV show on January 4, 2005
The Late Great Planet Earth, opening pages
Hal Lindsey's TBN TV show on January 4, 2005
This brings us to today's news. According to this secular analysis of what's happening in the European Union (EU), nothing is going right. In fact, after the defeat of their new Constitution, the EU's entire political society is in a confused mess. However, this report says, in all of the chaos, there are some rays of light. It says: On foreign affairs, while the EU is not rivalling the US as a great power, there are some rays of light as the bloc's chief diplomat, Javier Solana, has patiently built up successful initiatives. The genial and indefatigable former NATO boss is currently leading high profile efforts to clinch a diplomatic deal to end the crisis over Iran's nuclear programme Read about it here. And, Finnish Prime Minister Matti Vanhanen, the EU's new President, told the European Parliament that the EU can't afford to wait for the new Constitution to be ratified by all 25 member states. The report said: Vanhanen also insisted that the EU can not wait for greater foreign policy in the protracted “period of reflection” that has followed French and Dutch referendum rejections of the constitution Read about it here. So, if the EU heads can't wait for their Constitution to be ratified before upgrading Solana's Office to what the Constitution calls for, just how are they planning on doing it? At the Finnish Presidency's Website, the new EU President says: I would also like to emphasize that by focusing on cooperation in the field of police and criminal matters, we are not trying to score easy points. Our intention is not to smuggle the Constitutional Treaty in through the backdoor as the necessary changes can be introduced on the basis of the Treaty of Nice Read about it here. Now, let's bring this all together. The Finnish EU Presidency will be the last before that seven-year, ENPI funding instrument begins in January 2007. As you may recall, the ENP is a confirming process for an earlier agreement, Javier Solana's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace. The Euro-Med is a literal covenant with many nations, including Israel, and is the foundational agreement to all the EU's Mediterranean policies. In fact, the Israeli leader who signed this agreement was then acting Israeli Prime Minister Shimon Peres -- the person Lindsey pictured on his TBN TV program shaking hands with Solana (picture above). Here's my point: If between now and January 2007 we see Solana's post upgraded -- as called for in the EU's new Constitution -- Solana will be in a perfect position from where to confirm his 1995 covenant with many for seven years. And, if you know anything about Bible prophecy, you know what that could imply. So, as Lindsey says in his Late Great: Stay tuned! The Late Great Planet Earth, page 108