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She sits on seven mountains. And, she sits on seven kings -- five of whom had fallen in the Apostle John's day. The ten horns are ten kings who, also in John's day, had not yet received their kingdoms. But, when they do receive their kingdoms, they will rule and make war against the Lamb for a short period of time (Revelation 17: 1-18). Some argue it is impossible to make sense of the images presented to us in the book of Revelation. They argue, of course, in unbelief. That's because, when one believes in the Jesus of Scripture, one must naturally believe in the Scripture that reveals Him. In order to understand the images of Revelation, it is necessary to understand the Old Testament books of prophecy -- such as Daniel and Zechariah. The images are geo-political realities that directly have to do with Jerusalem, Israel's temple and Israel's coming Messiah. When we consider the mystery of the women in Revelation 17, instead of focusing on details, let's look at the big picture. We see a woman ridding a beast. In Scripture, a women usually means an unclean form of religion (Zechariah (3: 6-11). A beast usually means a Gentile king and his kingdom (Daniel 7 :17). A mountain may also mean a Gentile kingdom (Zechariah 4 :7). And, horns mean kingdoms, or powers, who come to plunder and scatter the Jewish people (Zechariah 1: 18-21). The point being made is, this woman on the beast has ridden before. It is nothing more then a picture of a godless form of government, and a wicked form religion, that ban together in pursuit of a common goal -- the destruction of the people of the Book from the face of the earth. In ancient times, God's people suffered the woman's ruthlessness in Egypt, Assyria, Babylon, Persia and Rome. In more recent times, we suffered her wrath in the inquisitions of Europe. Now, according to this report, the woman may once again be attempting to mount the beast Read about it here. And, wouldn't you know it, it's a beast that may even have ten horns. If so, the Western European Union's Assembly Recommendation 666 may have deeper meaning then we first thought. It may not just mark the beginning of a foreign policy directed at removing Israel from the land, it may be the beginning of a campaign against Bible believing Christians. The harlot comes. 08-25-05