What Herb thinks
The Merkel Motor

Mazda's RX-7 had a Wankel rotary engine. That's what I think about as I read about Germany's Angela Merkel. You see, because of its huge population and economy, Germany is considered to be the EU's motor. So, as the RX-7 had the Wankel, the EU has the Merkel. 

Along with Germany, there are two other important EU motors -- France and the UK. And when linked together, these three nations -- the so-called EU3 -- produce a lot of power. And from the standpoint of Bible prophecy, the EU3 may be playing a major role.

For one thing, all of the EU3 are members of the 10-nation Western European Union. And, the EU3 have been seen as holding back progress regarding the development of the EU's new single representative for foreign and security policy -- currently Javier Solana. All that's necessary to support this view is to see how the EU3 have stepped in regarding the EU's nuclear negotiations with Iran. Foreign policy issues of this kind are something that Solana's office was created to do.

Another area where the EU3 have been hindering progress regarding the EU's single representative is in the EU's ability to enact their new constitutional treaty. You see, today the EU's High Representative has no legal power by which to implement his policies. He first needs the approval of the EU3, along with all the other member states. In other words, it takes only one state to send his proposals to the trash bin. The new constitution would have changed that. But, since foreign policy is considered to be the last stronghold of national sovereignty, the EU3 are naturally reluctant to give up their say in foreign policy -- as the Iranian issue shows.

For serious students of Bible prophecy the situation described above may bring up a question: Could the EU3 be the three horns that the prophet Daniel saw pulled out by the roots? In Daniel we read:

While I was contemplating the [10] horns, behold, another horn, a little one, came up among them, and three of the first horns were pulled out by the roots before it; and behold, this horn possessed eyes like the eyes of a man and a mouth uttering great boasts (Daniel 7:8 New American Standard Bible).

If the series of events that we've been reporting are in fact the fulfillments of the prophecies, then it's possible the EU3 could be the three horns. They are members of the 10-nation Western European Union alliance, and they are presenting a problem to the rise of the first Mr. Europe. However, even if they are, that doesn't mean their "pulling" has to happen now, regarding the EU's new treaty. For example, if the treaty fails once again, it could happen later when the future antichrist is given his power with the 10 kings. In Revelation we read:

The ten horns which you saw are ten kings who have not yet received a kingdom [at the time of the Apostle John], but they receive authority as kings with the beast for one hour [3 1/2 years]. These have one purpose [common foreign policy], and they give their power and authority to the beast (Revelation 17:12-13).

In the meantime, we read that British Prime Minister Tony Blair has decided to leave office on June 27, 2007 Read about it here. As you may know, Blair is the last of the EU3 leaders to step aside since the appearance of the first Mr. Europe. And, I believe it may be obvious why Blair chose this date. You see, by choosing June 27, Blair will still be in power to participate in the EU's coming June summit Read about it here. And, if you recall, at this summit the EU heads will decided the future of their new treaty.

But, no matter the outcome of the June summit, on July 1, Germany will step aside and Portugal will take over the EU's rotating presidency.

Nevertheless, the Merkel motor will spin on.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.