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It amazes me how we evangelical Christians can fight over non-essential issues. This is especially true regarding the timing of the rapture. The way I see it, the way the Church has been split over this issue, instead of the rapture we should have called it the rupture. I was raised in what in the last few centuries has become the popular view -- in what's called a "pre-tribulation" belief system. This is the belief the Church, all who are truly born again Christians, will be caught up (raptured) to meet Jesus in the air, before the Antichrist appears on earth to do his thing. And, I was fine with this view as long as I didn't look to deeply. But, when you write a book, as I recently have, you must go to the source material to document what you write. And, in regard to the timing of the rapture, I couldn't find the source material that I thought was there. In my opinion, it just didn't exist. And, this came as a surprise to me. I found out the pre-tribulation doctrine didn't actually come from any particular Scripture, it came from inference. It came from people trying to make all the pieces fit, and coming up with what they thought was the best answer. In other words, it was very subjective. This being the case, how is it the pre-tribulation view has gained such popularity? I think the answer is simple. The majority of us don't write and document books. How about those who do write books and still support the pre-tribulation view? For one thing, if you don't support the pre-tribulation view the odds are your books will never go anywhere. Why? Because, what you're writing isn't popular in today's market. Does that mean I think all those who promote the pre-tibulation view are only doing it to gain popular support and sell books? No, I don't think all of them are doing this. But, I suspect some are -- whether they know it or not. You see, it's only natural for an author to want to reach the largest audience possible. And our desires, if we're not careful, can sometimes blur our thinking. Does this mean I don't believe in the pre-tribulation rapture anymore? Let me put is this way, I can't find any verses that clearly establish the view. But, I can find verses that clearly appear to refute the view (2 Thessalonians 2:1-5). Does this mean I have accepted another view on the timing of the rapture? No, I haven't. You see, I can't find any verses that, in my opinion, clearly say when the rapture is going to happen either. So, I'll stay rapture neutral. And, I'll leave the rapture wars to others. 07-27-04