What Herb thinks
The Rules

If you want a successful ministry, there are a few rules.

The first rule for a successful ministry today is, you can't say anything against the pre-tribulation rapture doctrine. No matter how much you may question the doctrine, you can't let your doubts be known. If you do, the majority of today's evangelicals will simply go elsewhere. I've actually been told this.

The second rule I only recently discovered. And, it came as a surprise. The second rule is, you can't say anything against the Roman Catholic Church. Once again, if you do, many evangelicals will go elsewhere. Since I began posting my concerns about the Catholic Church, my stats have suddenly fallen drastically.

Friends, the more I think about this reality, the more it concerns me. You see, in order for me to have a successful ministry in today's world, I would have to say what the majority want to hear -- even though it is contrary to my understanding of Scripture. And, that's something I can't do.

This morning I read Peter's second letter. And, Peter said some things that I believe could be applied to our modern situation. Peter said false teachers will secretly introduce heresies and exploit us with false words. In other words, some false teachers won't come right out tell us what they really believe. And, in order to take a following, others will tell us what we want to hear. Peter said:

But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will also be false teachers among you, who will secretly introduce destructive heresies, even denying the Master who bought them, bringing swift destruction upon themselves. Many will follow their sensuality, and because of them the way of the truth will be maligned; and in their greed they will exploit you with false words; their judgment from long ago is not idle, and their destruction is not asleep (2 Peter 2:1-3 New American Standard Bible). 

Friends, don't let it happen. Don't let those who secretly deny Jesus deceive you. And, don't let false teachers exploit you with their greed.

You see, those among us who secretly deny that Jesus is the only way to salvation don't come out openly and say so. It is up to us to figure out the meaning of their words. For example, they may say things like they believe there is no salvation outside the cross of Jesus Christ. But, they will also suggest this salvation can apply to Christ's rejecters.

And, those who will exploit us because of their greed are only doing what comes natural. You see, it's not hard to believe in something that works -- that builds a ministry. "Besides," they may think, "the majority can't be all wrong."

Like I've said so many times before, I don't know when the rapture of the church will occur. I'm rapture neutral. But, that doesn't mean I'm Bible neutral. I've learned to believe everything that's in it. That being the case, right or wrong, I will always report things the way I see it.

Even if it means breaking the rules.

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.