What's going on between Israeli prime minister Ariel Sharon and the EU's High Representative Javier Solana reminds me of my commentaries last year about the Bush/Solana war. If you recall, the Bush/Solana war was over the International Criminal Court. President Bush wanted the United States citizens exempt from prosecution. Solana, on the other hand, wanted the I.C.C. to have universal jurisdiction -- even over countries that didn't ratify the treaty such as the United States. If you recall, this dispute lead to some interesting maneuvering on the part of both leaders for some time. Now it look's like we have another such event going on -- the Sharon/ Solana war. And evidently, this war is over implementation of the so-called "road map" peace plan and Palestinian leader Yaser Arafat. You see, the Sharon administration wants no part of a Palestinian state that includes Arafat. Solana, on the other hand, thinks Arafat is the only legitimate leader for the Palestinian people. For the second time, Sharon has suddenly refused to meet with Solana. The first time Sharon said he didn't have time. Now he says it's because of health reasons. But everyone knows, it's over Solana's continuing support for Arafat (Read about it here) (And here). This brings up a good question. Why doesn't Solana go along with Sharon on this issue? After all, you would think the EU's bottom line is to see the implementation of their own road map peace plan. Here's what I think. I don't think the road map is Solana's real bottom line. I think the creation of an international order is his real bottom line. After all, the creation of an international order is a core part of Solana's new security doctrine for the new, super EU. What does this have to do with Arafat? Solana's big thing appears to be legitimacy. If you recall, he recently said the UN wasn't effective but it had legitimacy. The World Trade Organization was effective, but it didn't have legitimacy. What was Solana's solution? The WTO should be made part of the UN. (Could that be what this story is about?). So, once again Solana is going to war for his new international order. But this time, it's not with the United States -- it's with Israel. Why shouldn't that surprise us students of prophecy? Stay tuned! 09/02/2003