What Herb thinks
The Trouble With Spin

The trouble with spin is it only goes so far. And when it stops, what ever it is that we're spinning will fall down. Evidently, that's what we're seeing. Our new Secretary of Defense, Robert Gates, is breaking to us the bad news. America may be losing another war Read about it here.


I'd like to think in the picture on the right that Senator Edward Kennedy was praying. But, I doubt that's the case. In fact, if you read the text that MSNBC provided at the bottom of the picture, you will find that the prevailing mood is far from spiritual. The bottom line is, America's leaders are desperate and, instead of turning back to their God, they're turning farther away.

It's a mistake to think that tragedy only happens to others. Yet, we all do it -- especially here in America. For so long now God has been so good to us. Then came September 11. After that, Katrina. Now, we're being told we may be losing another war. Are you beginning to wonder if something is wrong -- if something has changed?

I'm reminded of the story of Job. The Bible tells us that one day the angels of heaven appeared before God's throne and Satan appeared among them. God asked Satan if he had noticed His righteous servant Job. Evidently, not liking Job's witness, Satan told God that if He would only remove Job's hedge of protection, Job would turn against Him like all the others. So, God removed Job's hedge of protection. Immediately terrible tragedies -- one after another -- began to happen to poor Job. Nevertheless, Job never turned against God. Friends, if it happened to a righteous man like Job, what makes us think that it can't happen to His people in America?

You see, God still has witnesses on earth. And, the Apostle Paul tells us, that in the same way that He long ago used Job, He is today using us Christians. Paul says:

To me, the very least of all saints, this grace was given, to preach to the Gentiles the unfathomable riches of Christ, and to bring to light what is the administration of the mystery which for ages has been hidden in God who created all things; so that the manifold wisdom of God might now be made known through the church to the rulers and the authorities in the heavenly places (Ephesians 3: 8-10 New American Standard Bible). 

I know that this type of teaching isn't popular anymore. But, no matter how we spin it, that's what the Bible actually says. And, what the Bible actually says is what will actually happen.

That's the trouble with spin.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.