Today president George Bush spoke before the UN. What he said was fascinating. Just as the Jewish prophets long ago foretold, Bush issued a global call to action. He said, "The world must stand up for peace in the Holy Land." In other words, Bush says it's time for the end-time prophecies of the Bible to be fulfilled. And, he even revealed the international community's motive. Bush says it's because the Middle East has become a breeding ground for extremism. He said the world community must seek stability for a free Middle East. And, he says peace in the Middle East can be achieved. Then Bush said he was going to dedicate the remainder of his term to make it happen. No matter a person's feelings about the man, no one questions his determination. Although snickers and outward signs of unconcern appeared on some faces, the world's leaders understood what Bush meant. Once again, Bush was saying you're either with us or against us. But, this time he has a powerful new partner -- the European Union Read about it here. You see, this week while Bush and the other world leaders are out front on the UN's podium, the EU's Javier Solana will be busy in the background working their plans Read about it here. Here's what we're seeing. Evidently, the US and the EU have begun working together within the UN to create a new international order. Their incentive is to combat terrorism. And, as I've been reporting, part of their new strategy is to wage an ideological war. Friends, the UN beast has two horns. 09-19-2006