Last July I reported that the person charged with creating a constitutuion for the new, super European Union, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, said at the beginning of his work he felt smell of war. Well, the war is over and the winner is --- surprise, surprise -- the Council (Read about it here). Actually, this news hasn't come as a surprise to me. The real power in the EU has always been with the heads of the member states who meet in the Council. And, it's only natural that the powers that be would want to be the powers that stay. Of course, there is another important reason I was expecting the Council to win this battle. That reason is Bible prophecy. In my July commentary I said: "If you want to know what's going on in the game, you have to keep your eye on the ball. In this case, our ball is Bible prophecy. And the Bible tells us, in the end-times, the old Roman Empire will reappear on the world scene under 10 kings. And, in time, these kings will submit their kingdoms under on man. Since there already is a 10-nation military alliance within the Council, and the Council is at war with the Commission, it's not hard to imagine how these end-times events could soon happen." Here's another interesting bit of information. It appears last December US Secretary of State Colin Powell and EU High Representative Javier Solana attended a dinner where a $10,000 prize was awarded to Steven Everts and Charles Grant for their winning essay, Mission Imposible. Everts is a senior resercher at the influencial Centre for European Reform. And Grant is its director. What was their essay about? It was about how the US and the EU could heal their differences. What were these two academics suggesting? They were suggesting that not only should the Council have its stronger president, but also that the EU's entire foreign policy should be placed under just one man -- Javier Solana (Read about it here). And Solana, as you know, happens to be the head of the 10-nation alliance. No wonder they won the prize. 06-06-2003