This morning I stumbled across a paper released yesterday by the Heritage Foundation, an American think-tank, titled, "The European Security and Defense Policy: A Challenge to the Transatlantic Security Alliance." The paper warns that the EU has been developing its military -- not to help provide for its own defense, as it has claimed -- but to rival NATO and, specifically, the United States as a global superpower. The thing that fascinated me about this paper is it was like reading my dad's book, Recommendation 666, published back in 2003. The policy analysts are finally catching on. My dad warned about the EU's true agenda at a time when high-level, US government officials were oblivious (many still appear to be). How did he know this was happening? Because he studied the Bible prophecies and believed them. He knew the Bible said that, one day, the Roman Empire would powerfully revive (we see this in the European Union) and that out of it, a 10-nation military alliance would emerge (we see this in the 10 Western European Union Member States). This alliance would put itself under the authority of a brilliant leader (the Antichrist), who would seek control over Israel and the Mediterranean region and gain the economic and political power to launch a massive persecution against God's people. So, knowing the prophecies allowed my dad to recognize when these things started happening in the European Union -- way before the "experts" could see them. The Heritage Foundation paper is a must-read for those who've followed
FP. If you haven't read my dad's book in a while, I encourage you to reread
it and note how similar the Heritage Foundation paper is.