What Herb thinks
Things That Make For Peace

We students of Bible prophecy usually keep one eye on Israel, and one on Europe. The reason is many of us believe Israel's rebirth is the first great sign of end-times prophecy, and the revival of the old Roman Empire is the second.

In Revelation 12 we find a woman who I believe represents Israel, and a seven-head dragon who I believe represents Satan's seven Gentile kingdoms -- the last of which is a revived Rome.

That's why today's news about Israel and the EU is especially interesting. It appears both Israel and Europe are doing the same thing at the same time -- planning for peace but preparing for failure.

According to this report, Israeli Prime Minister Ariel Sharon is preparing for the failure of the international gang's so-called "Road Map" peace plan. Instead of the Road Map, Sharon is preparing to implement his "Disengagement Plan" (Read about it here). In other words, if the peace talks break down with the Palestinians as expected, Sharon is simply going to pick the new borders and fence them out.

Needless to say, Sharon's "Disengagement Plan" is international heresy and the leaders of Europe are screaming their heads off. Yet they're doing exactly the same thing. According to The Independent, the EU's new presidency is also planing for failure. The report says:

Bertie Ahem, the Irish Prime Minister, warned yesterday that it may take until 2005 to overcome a dispute that has delayed the adoption of a constitution for an enlarged EU Read about it here.

It appears neither the woman (Israel) or the dragon (the super EU) can get their act together and find the peace they seek. Why? Because neither side really understand the things that make for peace.

Actually, it's a very sad condition when you think about it. In fact, once when Jesus approached Jerusalem He began to cry because of it. The Scripture says:

And when He approached, He saw the city (Jerusalem) and wept over it, saying, "If you had known in this day, even you, the things which make for peace! But now they have been hidden from your eyes (Luke 19:41-42 New American Standard Bible).

What were the things Jesus was talking about? He was talking about the things of God -- such as righteousness and justice. And He was talking about Himself -- Israel's long awaited Messiah. You see, Jesus is the true Prince of Peace. Without Him, there can be no lasting peace for either Israel or human kind.

Yes, Israel rejected Jesus her Messiah. But, so does modern Europe. In fact, the EU heads recently approved a new security doctrine that at it's very heart and soul denies the existence of truth and justice. It seeks establishing a peace built on a lie - a peace destined to collapse.

Fortunately, God still rules over the affairs of men. And, no matter what lessor rulers say, righteousness and justice are the foundation of God's throne -- the things that make for peace.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.