I don't recall a time when people were more bewildered. We appear to have slipped into a time of fear and confusion. The scary thing is, all sides are saying the same thing. If left unchecked, we humans are headed for things once thought unthinkable. The world is watching the humiliation of a great empire. It's obvious America started a war in the Middle East that America couldn't finish. Now, even America's enemies are being asked for their help. Everyone knows it isn't really Tony Blair who is now seeking help from Syria and Iran Read about it here. It's George Bush. And, America will never again be seen the same -- especially in the Middle East. Sure, we Americans can spin it. In fact, some of us already are. But, the truth is dangerous power vacuums are forming and evil forces are rushing in. In South America we see the dictator's grip returning and in Europe we see the Russian bear loosing its fear. China has been letting us know we should be concerned about their new military presence and North Korean's little leader dared to spit in our face. We evangelicals can spin things too. And, we probably will. But, the truth is a there's a dangerous spiritual power vacuum forming too. All across America God's people are hungry for a deeper spiritual reality. But, unfortunately, their spiritual leaders can't give what they don't have. This opens the door to the deceivers that Jesus and the Apostles warned about -- to those who use the powers of the enemy to counterfeit the things of God. Perhaps its as much a sign of my age as spirituality. But, I'm constantly amazed by what is allowed on TV today to represent Christianity. It both saddens and angers me to think that so many people don't know any different. No, we're seeing things once thought unthinkable. Are you ready? 11-18-2006