This is how it starts. Don't forget Michael Moore's or Al Gore's recent documentaries. Although playing fast and loose with the facts, both documentaries left significant marks for their causes. I suspect this documentary may do that too Read about it here I And here. And according to the Bible, the cause of this documentary is anti-Christ. If you have seen my presentations, you know that I always warn my listeners to prepare for the war against their faith that's coming. If the UN's new Alliance of Civilisations (AoC) makes it through the process, it will be in operation by the end of 2009. Friends, the AoC was specifically designed, and is now being implemented, in order that certain elements within the international community can wage a war against what they consider to be dangerous forms of religious fundamentalism. And so far the only American institution of significance that's issuing a warning appears to be The Heritage Foundation Read about it here. Have you ever been in a war before? Well, if you are a Bible believing Christian, you will be in one soon. This is how it starts. Are you ready? 02-23-07