So far all the customer reviews posted on the Website's of Amazon and Barnes and Noble have been five-star -- all that is but one. One person who read my book only gave it three stars (Read about it here). Here is some of what this reviewer had to say: Daniel 8 seems to eliminate Herbs belief that the Anti-Christ will be from the E.U. Daniel 8: 9 -- And out of one of them came forth a little horn, which waxed exceeding great, toward the south, and toward the east, and toward the pleasant land. 10 --And it waxed great, even to the host of heaven; and it cast down some of the host and of the stars to the ground, and stamped upon them. 11--Yea, he magnified himself even to the prince of the host, and by him the daily sacrifice was taken away, and the place of the sanctuary was cast down. 12--And an host was given him against the daily sacrifice by reason of transgression, and it cast down the truth to the ground; and it practiced, and prospered. The region being spoken of in Daniel is where Alexander's empire was. Which leaves us with a few possibilities for the beast to come from, Iraq or Jordan. I'll place my bet with Jordan. So, why did my book still get three stars? Perhaps it's because what was said at the end. The reviewer said: I think its good that someone is at least getting people to focus on the region. I appreciate this reviewer's kindness. Here is another wonderful example how we Christians can disagree about some detail in the interpretation of a difficult part of Scripture, and still love and support each other. The reason I decided to comment, however, is because I've seen this interpretation come up before. So, I decided to share what I think about it. In Daniel chapter seven we find Daniel's vision of four wild beasts. I believe these four beasts represent -- from God's view -- the same four Gentile kingdoms revealed to the pagan King Nebuchadnezzar in chapter 2 -- Babylon, Medo-Persian, Greece and the Roman Empire. In Daniel chapter eight, however, we focus in on the beast that was the immediate threat at the time of this vision -- Greece. In other words, all that follows in Daniel chapter eight -- including verse 23 through 25 some interpret to apply to the Antichrist -- applies to Greece. However, at first glance verse 19 seems to refute this argument. Here Daniel was told, Behold, I am going to let you know what will occur at the final period of the indignation, for it pertains to the appointed time of the end (New American Standard Bible) But, here it's not talking about God's judgment of the final Gentile kingdom which is Rome, but God's judgment of the third Gentile kingdom Greece. And, the little horn found in the following verses was Antiochus Epiphanes who died in 164 BC -- before the Roman Empire. Epiphanes succeeded in doing much of what the Antichrist is supposed to do -- such as go into the temple and magnify himself above God -- but he wasn't the Antichrist. In fact, I've come to believe it's even possible this event with Epiphanes may explain what is meant where the angel said to the Apostle John: The (seven-headed) beast that you saw was and is not, and is about to come up out of the abyss and go to destruction (Revelation 17:8). Today we don't face the rise of the third beast as did Daniel at the time of his vision -- we face the rise of the fourth beast. In fact, the first century Christians believed they would witness the rise of this fourth beast also. They didn't understand that the appearance of Jesus, and afterwards His church, would restrain the coming of the fourth beast. Here's my point: Now that both Israel and the Roman Empire have returned on the scene, I believe the stage is set for that final, 10-horned beast to appear. And, I think that's what we're now witnessing in the rise of this new, super European Union. Stay tuned! 10-31-03