What Herb thinks
The Time Is Ripe

After watching the presidential debates and the reaction of the American people, I could only shake my head. Candidate John Kerry's popularity actually grew. I couldn't believe it Read about it here.

How we Americans have changed. Back when Kerry was leading his radical left, anti-war marches in the late sixties and early seventies, the majority of the American people saw Kerry and his associates for the danger they were. This is especially true for America's Bible believing Christians. The fact was, many of these Bible believing Christians saw Kerry's movement as an anti-Christ movement. I know. That's how I understood it.

Now, here we find this same Kerry in a debate arguing for his same leftist cause, and instead of the American people seeing his leftist agenda for what it is, Kerry's popularity grows. And, what are Christians in America saying? The answer to this question is for me the most scary part. Evidently, a large segment of Christians in America are actually saying it won't make any difference who wins this election. That's because, they've been slowly made to believe both candidates are equally taking our country into the global government foretold by the Bible.

One reason some think this way is because, in their college days, both Bush and Kerry were members of the very secretive Skull and Bones. You know what? I went through the rebellious sixties with a group of friends. We all saw and experienced the same things. However, spiritually speaking, we didn't all come out of the sixties on the same side. I became a Christian. And, I believe this to be the case with our President. 

Friends, nothing could be farther from the truth thinking our vote won't matter. Almost every international treaty the prior Clinton administration either signed, or was preparing to sign, the present Bush administration rejected. The worst of these was the Rome Statute that, if ratified, it will establish an authority over us American citizens that is above our Constitution. This issue was even brought up in the debate. But, for some reason, few seemed to catch the full significance of the words.

If you don't believe me, ask yourself why almost the entire world hates the current president so very much. The simple biblical answer is, he got in the way of the spirit that the Apostle Paul tells us is at work in this world (2 Thessalonians 2:7). After eight years of having a president who was spiritually asleep at his post, America got a new president who set out to reverse things. Instead of allowing this new century to fall to the European socialist movement, Bush set out to turn it around for the United States and for freedom. That's why he's hated.

And, before we start pointing out all the international activities our current government is involved in, keep in mind what presidents have to work with whether they like it or not -- big government, international treaties and the post Cold War new world order. You see, whether we like it or not, the new world order is already here. It arrived when the Berlin Wall fell. The only question now is, who will lead and control it. Will it be America or Europe.

That's why this next election is so important. Ask yourself, why is socialist Europe so overwhelmingly supporting Kerry? Do you think it's out of concern for America?

And, ask yourself another important question: Why aren't the majority of today's Christians seeing in Kerry's leftist, globalist agenda what yesterday's Christians saw? They saw, spiritually speaking, an anti-Christ movement.

I'm afraid there is only one, uncomfortable answer.

The time is ripe.

Copyright 2004 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.