What Herb thinks
Time Ticking Away

When Secretary of Defense Robert Gates was asked why the Bush Administration decided to send another carrier to the Persian Gulf, Gates said it was so the U.S. could negotiate from a position of strength, not perceived weakness. Evidently, that's what's going on. I think yesterday's surprise announcement that Washington is finally willing to sit down and talk with Iran and Syria may have been planned all along Read about it here I And here

As I've been reporting, many believe -- myself included -- that the Middle East is on the brink of war or peace. If it's war, it could become the biblical Armageddon. If it's peace, it could be the false peace that the Bible indicates precedes Armageddon. Either way, the world as we now know it could be running out of time.

When I add all the pieces together, I come up with a little different conclusion than most. I believe we may be much further along in the prophetic time line from that which is commonly taught. And, I have good reason. What we are seeing is not a single event here or there that appears to match the prophecies. What we're seeing is a series of events -- a series of significant, geo-political events -- that appears to match the prophecies Overview.

This brings us to another surprising announcement. According to this report, the recently reactivated Jewish religious body known as the Sanhedrin has decided to begin purchasing sheep in preparation to restore Israel's annual animal sacrifices as soon as its politically possible Read about it here. And if you have read my overview, you knew this could be coming.

My unbelieving friends, please believe when I tell you:

Our time is ticking away.

Copyright 2007 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.