Have you ever tried to show somebody something, but they just wouldn't look? Well, it's time to look. It's not just an issue anymore of who do we trust. Friends, there are godly people who believe very differently on the subject of Bible prophecy. For example, many of our evangelical scholars no longer even believe the rebirth of Israel was necessary to God's plan. Nevertheless, many of the same are saved individuals who are leading godly and fruitful lives. This is why it disturbs me when the debates on our discussion board turn ugly. It really doesn't matter how we believe about end-time eschatology. If we are Christians, we're in this together -- no matter how it all turns out. Once, the Apostle Peter asked Jesus about His purpose for another person -- about the Apostle John. Jesus answered Peter by saying: If I want him to remain until I come, what is that to you? You follow Me! (John 21:22 New American Standard Bible). What Jesus said to Peter, applies to you and me. If we want to follow Jesus, we have to keep our eyes on Him and not let what He's doing with others distract us. Our job is to fulfill the ministry that He has given us -- not someone else's. This brings us to the point that I'm trying to make. I don't know why others aren't reporting the events that we have here at FulfilledProphecy. I also know that the silence of others doesn't make us either right or wrong. All I know is that our job -- each one of us -- is to follow our Lord the best that we can. And, that's all that I've been trying to do. The recent news is big. We're not talking about just another little detail that may, or may not, fit into prophecy. We're possibly talking about events that we Christians have been waiting to see for years. As I write, a new European leader has emerged and is reviving the borders of the old Roman Empire. Not only that, this leader has been invited to deploy his peacekeeping/peacemaking forces into Gaza -- into the ancient land of Israel Read about it here. Furthermore, on the 27 and 28th of this month, the new European leader will be celebrating the 10th anniversary of his 1995 Barcelona Process -- an agreement between the then 15 EU nations and 12 Mediterranean nations. According to earlier reports, the leader plans a surprise announcment. The celebration is being called an "Extraordinary High Level Meeting." You see, the EU heads designated the year 2005 the "Year of the Mediterranean." What this means in plain language is, the EU wanted, in this year, to extend its influence into the southern and eastern shores of the Mediterranean. That's what this is all about. It's also called Euromed. In other words, EU Romed -- a revival of the old Roman Empire. Friends, these events were foretold in prophecy. It's time to look. 11-07-05