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Jesus tells us not to worry about tomorrow. He says we have enough worry for each day. And, the Apostle Paul advises not to look back. He says to keep seeking that which is above. But, Jesus didn't mean not to prepare for tomorrow. And, Paul wasn't advising us not learn from yesterday. There are some things we need to remember. Especially when times are hard. I have as many doubts as you. I could be wrong about some of my conclusions. But, I remember from where I came. That's what keeps me going. Yesterday's commentary was about the EU's December summit. As I said then, what happened is what we should have expected. My reason for saying that is because of all the things that I remember. You see, before FP I was a weekly newspaper columnist. I've been reporting about these events in Europe and the Middle East since 1991. When I began my weekly columns, I never dreamed that I would be where I am today and reporting what I'm reporting. But, here we all are. And, we need to remember. If you recall, last September former President Bill Clinton said a new Middle East peace plan was only two months away Read about it here. Two months later, when the news came that Spain, France and Italy had come up with a new peace plan, I had already forgotten. Today it's being reported that Clinton's close friend, British Prime Minister Tony Blair, following his sudden trip to Turkey after the EU summit, is already in Egypt having "critical" talks with President Hosni Mubarak. In Egypt Blair is quoted saying, "The next few days and weeks are critical moments of decision for the whole process" Read about it here. My experience tells me the Middle East is on the brink of war or peace. In early January the EU's Javier Solana will be in Washington -- not unusual after an EU summit. But, in light of the situation in the Middle East, this time it's different Read about it here. After Washington, Solana will be going to New York -- most likely to visit the UN's new Secretary General. With the EU's endorsement of the Spain/France/Italy peace plan (believed to really be Miguel Angel Moratinos' plan), Solana will be carrying the plan to the other members of the Quartet -- the US, the UN and Russian -- for approval. And if you recall, the Iraq Study Group called for President Bush to announce his new Middle East plan by December 31 -- just before Solana's scheduled trip to Washington. Also if you recall, the prophecy says: And he will make a firm covenant with the many for one week, but in the middle of the week he will put a stop to sacrifice and grain offering; and on the wing of abominations will come one who makes desolate, even until a complete destruction, one that is decreed, is poured out on the one who makes desolate (Daniel 9:27 New American Standard Bible). Many, if not most, scholars believe the prophecy is saying a coming prince, or leader, will confirm, or make strong, or strengthen, an existing covenant, agreement, or treaty, between many, or the majority. For good reasons it's also believed the covenant will bring Israel a short time of peace. Friends, what we're seeing actually fits the prophecy perfectly. The EU's 1995 Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace is a covenant with many nations that's intended to bring peace to the Mediterranean region. The EU's European Neighbourhood Policy (ENP) was created to make strong, or strengthen, the EU's 1995 covenant. Starting January 1, the New ENP will kick in and last for seven years -- to coincide with the EU's next seven-year budget. Now Solana, due to decisions taken at the EU's December summit, will on January 1 take his new seat in the Commission -- where EU funds are -- in order to oversee the New ENP. In other words, in order to confirm, or make strong, or strengthen, the EU's 1995 covenant with many. And, in so doing, bring a lasting and comprehensive peace to the Middle East. The significance of these events may be hard to overstate. I wonder if older students of Bible prophecy will continue to remain quiet. It's time to remember. 12 -16-2006