What Herb thinks
Times They Are A Changing

I don't know which of these stories disgust and scare me more, the one about the Episcopal Church's first gay bishop, or the one about our undiscerning Supreme Court justices.

Let's begin with the gay bishop: They actually did it, the so-called spiritual leaders of the Episcopal Church voted to install an openly gay man as a bishop (Read about it here). Never mind the Apostle Paul's warning that this type of sexual perversion can be a sign of satanism and demon worship. The Apostle put it this way:

"For they exchanged the truth of God for a lie, and worshiped and served the creature rather than the Creator, who is blessed forever. Amen. For this reason God gave them over to degrading passions; for their women exchanged the natural function for that which is unnatural, and in the same way also the men abandoned the natural function of the woman and burned in their desire toward one another (Romans 1: 25-27 New American Standard Bible).

Speaking of the creature, this brings us to our undiscerningnd Supreme Court justices. In stead of our own Biblically inspired constitution, it appears our justices have begun looking to apostate Europe for their legal guidance. In fact, according to the Associate Press, justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg actually said, "Our island or lone ranger mentality is beginning to change" (Read about it here) (If these words don't scare you, I don't know what would).

What does this have to do with the creature? Well, if you know your Bible, you are aware of the prophecy concerning the 10-horned beast that rises from the sea in the end-times (Revelation chapter 13). This beast, of course, is the coming Antichrist and his revived Roman Empire  -- a revival I believe we're now seeing in the new, super European Union. The EU even has the 10 horns -- the EU's new military wing under Javier Solana.

You see, part of Solana's new security doctrine for the EU is to create a new, international order, In fact, the International Criminal Court would never have come into existence without the EU states voting as a block.

What am I saying? I'm saying I think these two stories about the gay bishop and our undiscerning Supreme Court justices may be very much related. Both accounts are about influential American leaders who have begun knowingly, or unknowingly, serving the creature rather than the Creator.

And for those with discernment these stories are a sign.

 The times they are a changing.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.