One problem people have with my book is, if the events recorded in it are fulfillments of Bible prophecy, things are much farther advanced than anyone thought possible. I've also noticed most of the objections to my book seem to come from those who haven't read it. I know this because I'm constantly being asked to defend positions I don't have. For one thing, from the very start I warn my readers that I could end up being wrong about what I'm reporting. For example, the first two sentences in the introduction to my book say: The events record in this book may, or may not, be actual fulfillements of Bible prophecy. At the time of writing, it's too early to know for certain (Recommendation 666, pg 1). Nevertheless, because nobody else was, I felt obligated to report what I had witnessed taking place in the Europe Union. The way I saw it, it would be a greater sin not to report it and be right, than to report it and be wrong. So, I began writing my book based on the assumption I may be right. That was in December of 2000. As you may know, since then many more things have happend to make it look like I was right. However, like at the beginning of my book, here we are in 2004 and it's still too early to know for certain. What does all this have to do with transnational progressivism? Well, from what I'm learning about this movement, it's like my book suggests -- things really are much farther advanced then most of us thought. From what I understand, transnational progressivism is a new form of left thinking that, instead of creating a world government, it attempts to create a kind of global network made up of existing international institutions, large business and private organizations. It surprised me to learn that former President Bill Clinton and British Prime Minister Tony Blair founded a think tank to help bring this about (www.progressive-governance.net). What didn't surprise me was to find Javier Solana was one of the think tank's primary thinkers. Syndicated columnist Daniel Pipes has been warning about this new danger from the left. Pipes states: This attempted end-run around American democracy, Fonte argues, represents a significant movement, which he dubs "transnational progressivism." I prefer the name "bureaucratic leftism," but whatever one calls it, Fonte establishes that, in the tradition of fascism and communism, this effort constitutes a significant "challenge to liberal democracy" Read about it here. Pipes concludes by saying: Predictably, the left's newest project is having more success in Western countries other than the United States - Canada, France, Israel and New Zealand come to mind. Fonte implies that Americans will end up with the main burden of fending off this ugly system, just as it did fascism and communism - and is now doing with militant Islam. Only by recognizing bureaucratic leftism for what it is can it be stopped before its malign ideas have a chance to do real damage. Here we have it folks. A warning by a secular writer about the things I wrote about in my book. This movement has pretty much taken control of Europe and is now threatening the United States. Is there anything we can do about it? I, like Daniel Pipes, have been looking in the direction of the Republicans and the reelection of President George Bush to stop it. However, instead of stopping it, Bush has recently made a move in the their direction. Bush has given the OK to have international monitors observe our next Presidential election Read about it here. Friends, we're closer than we thought. 08-18-04