As I write, America's terror alert level is orange. That means high. In fact, it's believed the chances for another mega terror attack on American soil are at their highest since 9/11. The report says: The United States was thrown back into high alert for the holidays yesterday as the feds warned that terrorists may be planning attacks that "rival or exceed" 9/11 (Read about it here). This brings up a question for us here at FullfilledPropecy.Com. What would another terror attack on the level of 9/11 mean for the fulfillment of Bible prophecy? Actually, I think we may have the answer right in front of us. I think another mega terror attack could trigger Solana World. (Solana World is my name for the new international order Solana wants to build.) Here's why I say this: reported retired General Tommy Franks, the man who led the successful invasion of Iraq, said if America experienced another large terror attack, the Constitution could go out the window. Here's how Franks was reported to have said it: If the United States is hit with a weapon of mass destruction that inflicts large casualties, the Constitution will likely be discarded in favor of a military form of government (Read about it here). If anybody should know the situation, it's General Franks. And if you recall, immediately following 9/11, for the first time in history NATO leaders evoked their mutual defense clause. This made the terror attack against America the equivalent of an attach against all 19 NATO nations. Here's my point: If America -- or any NATO member for that matter -- sufferers another mega terror attack, we can expect the same response form NATO's leaders. Once again they will evoke their mutual defense clause. Even if General Franks isn't right about the Constitution being discarded, America will be forced to take even stronger actions then she did by implementing the Patriot Act after 9/11. And here's where Solana World may come in. In Europe we can expect to see the emergency powers provided under Recommendation 666 to be triggered. These powers are given to the EU's High Representative to convene the Council of Europe in the event of an emergency. Once triggered, the High Representative, currently Javier Solana, will be in position with the 10 Western European Union nations -- all members of NATO -- to implement the same kind of draconian measures across Europe that Washington will be implementing in America. In other words, another mega terror attack could trigger Solana World. Stay tuned! 12-22-03