Have you ever thought about that special, close relationship Jesus had with His Father? Not His earthy father, I’m talking about the relationship Jesus had with His Heavenly Father. Think about it. Jesus didn’t have any of the problems we humans sometimes have when we want to feel the closeness of God. For example, Jesus didn’t have any sins to confess like we always do. The Bible tells us that Jesus was sinless. He was perfect in everything He said and did. As a result, since His birth, Jesus had perfect and unbroken companionship with His Heavenly Father. Jesus’ intimate relationship with His Father was obvious in many ways.
Every morning, before the sun came up, it was Jesus’ practice to go off
by Himself to be alone with His Father. This relationship between Jesus
and His Father was also obvious by the miraculous things He did – He changed
water into wine, walked on water, healed the sick and even raised the dead.
Some religious leaders, however, questioned by what authority Jesus did some of the things He did. Once when this happened Jesus said, “The Son can do nothing of Himself, unless it is something He sees the Father doing (John 5:19). But it wasn’t just the things Jesus did. He also revealed His closeness
to His Father in what He said – things like, “I and the father are one”
and “If you’ve seen me, you have seen the father.”
Yet, as much as His disciples loved Him, Jesus knew He couldn’t count on His disciple’s love like His Father’s. The day would come when they would all leave Him alone. He said, “Behold, an hour is coming, and has already come, for you to be scattered, each to his own home, and to leave Me alone: and yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me” (John 16:32). Jesus completely trusted His Heavenly Father. Even so, after He had faithfully accomplished on earth all the things His Father had asked Him to do, the most terrible thing imaginable happened to Jesus. I’m not talking about the pain He suffered as He was slowly nailed to that wooden cross. And I’m not talking about the agony He experienced hanging there while struggling to breath. As bad as these torments were, there was something else that happened to Jesus on that cross that was much worse. Something so foreign to Him, it must have terrified Him greatly. What happened to Jesus that was so terrible? In the moment of Jesus’ greatest need, after accomplishing everything He was asked to do, His beloved Heavenly Father turn his back on Him. So He cried out, "My God, my God, why hast thou forsaken Me?" Image how Jesus felt. He had never experienced separation from His Father before. Now, for the first time in His earthly life, He was completely alone. Why? How could His loving Heavenly Father turn away from Him like that, in the moment of His greatest need? Jesus was perfect. He did everything His Father asked Him to do! How could this happen? But there is an answer. It’s found in the 22nd Psalm. You see, Jesus’ Heavenly Father turned His back on Him for a reason. He turned away from Him so, when you or I need our Heavenly Father, He will never have to turn His back on us. You see, if we believe in Jesus, our Heavenly Father will never leave us alone in our time of greatest need. |