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God knows how to get our attention. And not ours only, when He wants to, He can grab the attention of the whole world. How? He does it through His prophets and world events. For example, CNN's Paula Zahn is using the ancient prophecies of the Bible to attract people to her show about the crisis in the Middle East. Friends, if even secular TV shows are using current events and the prophecies to attract listeners, why aren't more Christians? The answer to that question may be disturbing. To find our answer, let's follow Paula Zahn's example -- let's see what today's leading prophecy experts are saying. But, before we do, a look at Paula Zahn' style of inquiry may be in order. As this picture shows, Zahn is nobody's fool. Before delving into Bible prophecy, Zahn begins by interviewing a Lebanese government official. The subject is Israel's bombing in Qana where over fifty civilians were reported killed. Here Zahn is as asking the official whether the Lebanese government held Hazbollah responsible for using civilians as shields. The official danced all around Zahn's questions and in this picture she's letting him know that's what's he's doing. Paula Zahn can also be very charming. In fact, as the focus of her show shifted from the events on the ground to Bible prophecy, her whole face appeared to light up. The first person she turned to was CNN's own religious expert who proceeded to give Zahn and her TV audience a quick and fairly accurate overview of the many views that are popular today in the world of prophecy. Now, let's look at Zahn's first non-CNN expert. I'm not familiar with Joel Rosenberg. However, his first words made his perspective obvious -- Roseberg is a diehard pre-tribber. He said the rapture -- which by now Zahn's entire audience understands what it is -- would happen first, then the Antichrist would rise to power. Below, evidently taken directly from Rosenberg's view, are screenshots from what follows.
Before we go to Paula Zahn's last expert, let's return to our question: If even secular TV shows are using current events and the prophecies to attract listeners, why aren't more Christians? You see, I suspect the primary reason so few of our modern day pastors are using world events and prophecy in the way previous generations of pastors have is because of a natural outcome of their pre-trib logic. If none of the end-time events are to occur until after the rapture, why waste time watching when there are so many more important things to be doing? And if God's people aren't watching for end-times events, how -- if they were to happen -- can they be recognized and used as a witnessing tool? When I began FP there was no one among God's people talking about the 10-nation Western European Union (WEU), the new Office of EU High Representative or the first Mr. Europe and his 1995 covenant with many or his documented connections to the biblical number 666. Today, this information is all over the Internet. Even Hal Lindsey, on two different occasions, acknowledged these events and their possible significance. Nevertheless, if it wasn't for someone like me coming along with FP, God's people may have never received this information. This brings up another question: What made me different? Why is it I saw things -- things Lindsey even thinks important -- and yet our other leading prophecy personalities didn't? The answer to this questions is a bit funny. I saw things that the others didn't simply because I didn't know that these events weren't supposed to happen yet. You see, after reading Hal Lindsey's The Late Great Planet Earth, I thought that we were all supposed to be watching for them. Now that our question may be answered, let's take a look at what Paula Zahn's final expert had to say -- a man who played a role in my understand of prophecy and who's views I respect, pastor Jerry Faldwell.
This is why, although we disagree on some issues, I respect Jerry Faldwell. Faldwell is using an important end-time event as a witnessing tool. Even though he apparently doesn't accept the appearance of the WEU or the first Mr. Europe as possible fulfillment's of prophecy, he does still understand the significance of our first great sign of Bible prophecy -- the rebirth of the nation Israel. Friends, it's time we use prophecy for the reason that God gave it. It's true we have to be careful and avoid making judgments before knowing the facts, but that's no excuse for tuning out. God gave us prophecy so, when the time comes, we could use it to be His witnesses to the nations. Then, as Jesus said, the end will come. And, we need to be warning them. As Paula Zahn says, it's time to tune in. 08-31-2006