What Herb thinks
The Turtle Makes History

Giscard's little turtle just made history. Today, Friday the 13th, the Convention on the Future of Europe has officially completed its mission. The European Union's proposed new constitution is ready to be delivered to the heads of state (Read about it here).

You may recall, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, chairman of the Convention, has a turtle with a dragon's head sitting on his desk. He said it was a symbol of longevity, and of prudence. Here are a couple pictures of Giscard and his pet turtle (PHOTO #1PHOTO #2).

At first the date, Friday the 13th, didn't have much meaning for me. But, after thinking about it and the results of the Convention, I began to wonder.

You see, Giscard's new constitution leaves the member states in the Council in complete control of the EU's foreign policy and new 10-nation military wing. Further more, the weighted voting system has been maintained in the Council that gives these 10 nations the majority vote -- even after the 10 new member states have come in to the Union next year.

Back to that date -- the 13th. The reason I began wondering if it could actually mean something is because this 10-nation alliance made themselves the EU's new military wing by implementing a recommendation bearing another scary number --- Assembly Recommendation 666.

In other words, when the 10-nation alliance became the EU's military wing the event was associated with the number 666. And, when these 10-nation's control over the EU was incorporated into the EU's new constitution, the event was associated with the number 13. 

Now, Giscard's turtle is celebrating. And, here's where it gets even stranger. The turtle has a dragon's head. As I've said before, this alone is enough to send a chill down my spine.

Here's why it spooks me. In the 12th chapter of the New Testament book of Revelation we find a great, seven-headed dragon. It is commonly believed that the seven heads of this dragon represent the seven Gentile powers who have in the past, and who will in the future, persecute God's special little nation -- Israel. Ironically, the sixth and seventh head are believed to both represent the Roman Empire. The sixth head was the old Roman Empire, the seventh a coming revived Roman Empire. And, amazingly, that's exactly what we're seeing occurring in this EU Convention -- a revival of the old Roman Empire!

If that's not enough for us to consider, now the Convention and the new constitution has come down in favor of the Council where the 10-nation military alliance is seated. So, a more detailed symbol for Giscard's Convention could be a turtle with a 10-horned dragon's head.

All this makes me wonder:

What will happen on October 31st?


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.