What Herb thinks
Turtle Questions Little Horn

As I've been saying, the European Union is a strange beast (Read about it here). And as it grows into the new, super EU, it's getting stranger all the time.

For example, Romano Prodi, president of the Commission, named his secret proposal for a new EU Constitution after the mythical  figure Penelope (Read about it here).

And, Valery Giscard d'Estaing, chairman of the Convention where the EU's new Constitution will be drafted, has a turtle with a dragon's head sitting on his desk (Read about it here).

At the EU beast's last summit two milestones were reached. The first milestone was the EU beast's decision to allow 10 new creatures (10-nations) into the Union. The second milestone was to authorize the use of its 10-horns -- its new 10-nation military wing. And,  this historic military first was made possible because of the EU beast's new little horn -- its High Representative of Common Foreign Security Policy.

But now there is a problem. The EU beast's new 10-horns are fighting among themselves over a war with Iraq. And, the split is so sever that it is threatening the beast's plans for becoming the next super beast of the world. What should it do?

The turtle has an idea. The EU beast should get ride of its little horn. Perhaps this will help heal the split in the beast's 10-horns. This is how the EUobserver is reporting it : "Convention president Valéry Giscard d'Estaing appeared to call into question whether an EU foreign minister would be such a good idea after all"  (Read about it here).

This brings up a couple intriguing questions for students of Bible prophecy: What will the EU beast say about the turtle's suggestion? What will the little horn say about the turtle's suggestion.

I don't think we'll know the answer to these two questions until the Iraqi war is over.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.