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The recent developments are especially intriguing for Constance Cumbey and me. If you recall, Constance became alerted to the Barcelona treaty signed between Israel and the European Union back in November 1995 because of a large earthquake that occurred the same day. And if you've been following the news, you are aware the EU is offering the US help in implementing President Bush's Greater Middle East plan. However, there is a catch. Firstly, the US must place the settlement of the Israel/Palestinian dispute at the center of the plan. And secondly, the US must use the EU's existing Barcelona agreement as the platform on which the new Middle East is built Read about it here. Now we learn the US and EU are planning on using NATO forces in the region to get the job done Read about it here. If you've been following my commentaries, you know this is what I've
been expecting. In fact, last April I wrote a commentary titled Two
Beast Rising. Below is a little from last year's commentary:
In the book of Revelation, however, we see two beasts rising over Israel in the end-times -- the beast from the sea and the beast from the earth (Rev. 13). The first beast from the sea is easily identifiable by its 10-horns as the same beast Daniel saw -- Rome. The second beast from the earth, however, has not so easily been identifiable. Here's my point: If you cut through to the main point of the prophecies about the two beasts that rise over Israel in the end-times, you see a similar situation in today's news. For example, a Financial Times analyst is saying what is tearing the United States and Europe apart today is over who ends up controlling the Middle East. And, the author is suggesting the answer to the dispute is for the two powers to share control over the region. In other words, the US and Europe should stop fighting and coordinate their efforts to finally bring lasting peace and security to the Middle East. Question: Is this the beginning of the rise of the two beasts of prophecy? Considering the simplest meaning of the prophecies, that's the way things look right now. 04-21-2003
Back to Two Beasts Rising 2: Here's my point: If the US agrees to us the EU's Barcelona treaty as the platform on which Bush's new Middle East is build, from a strictly geo-political perspective, the EU (revived Rome) beast will have risen over Israel first. And, the US (US/UN's Babylon) beast second -- just like the Bible predicted about two beasts rising (Rev. 13). Now I know there is a religious side to the second beast. In Revelation 13 the second beast is called the False Prophet. Yet as I've said, a beast in Bible prophecy is both a king and his kingdom. And I strongly suspect the kingdom the False Prophet will use is the UN. And, I believe American power is now being employed to bring this to pass. One more thing: American forces are so tied up in Iraq, it look's like the NATO forces that will be employed to settle the Israeli/Palestinian dispute will be European. In other words, from the European pillar of NATO -- the 10 Western European Union nations. Better stay tuned! 03-06-04