What Herb thinks
Two Sides

I don't know which played the greater part in today's commentary, my morning Bible study, or our discussion board.

Let's start with the discussion board. A thread was created linking an article about how over 60 percent of the Israeli people are in favor of further withdraws from the land they captured in the Six Day War Read about it here. Actually, the news wasn't what caught my interest. What stirred me was an exchange that followed. One poster commented, "I just realize that there is two sides to the story..." Another poster responded by saying, "That's correct... a right side and a wrong side."

This is an example of why I love our discussion board. The way I see it, both observations are accurate. There are good reasons for the withdrawal. The best is simple demographics. Take a look at what just happened in Gaza. When the Palestinian people were given the vote, who did they vote for? They voted for Hamas. So, what do we think will happen in democratic Israel when it includes a Palestinian majority? The Jewish state could be voted out of existence. So, those who are calling for withdrawal are trying to save Israel, not destroy it. And, looking at things purely politically, I think they're right.

But, as always, there's another side to the issue. In this case -- the case of Israel -- there's a spiritual side. We can see this spiritual side revealed in the Bible. But, that doesn't mean there isn't a political side. You see, in both the Old Testament book of Daniel and the New Testament book of Revelation we find that both sides -- the political and the spiritual -- are very real.

Now, the question for some may be, which side is more real -- the political or the spiritual. I don't see it that way. In my view, real is real. In other words, both sides are very real. That's what makes what's going on today in the ancient land of Israel so intriguing. You see, what we're seeing in the political world is only on the surface. Beneath the surface, there is a great spiritual conflict occurring. In the book of Daniel we read:

In the third year of Cyrus king of Persia a message was revealed to Daniel, who was named Belteshazzar; and the message was true and one of great conflict, but he understood the message and had an understanding of the vision (Daniel 10:1 New American Standard Bible).

You see, at the time of this vision, the cruel political realities that Daniel and his people were being forced to endure were real. However, there was something more going on -- something that God wanted Daniel to see. He wanted Daniel to see that there was a spiritual side to the issue. And, the spiritual side was real too. In fact, in the end, the spiritual side will win.

What does this have to do with us? We need to be like Daniel. We also need to understand the message and have an understanding of the vision. Why? Because, no matter what the political reality, by knowing and understanding the vision of Bible prophecy, we know that God is still on His throne. He is still in complete control. Good will ultimately win.

Yes, there are two sides.


Copyright 2005, 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.