What Herb Thinks
The Unexpected

Early this morning I saw Mars. The sight was totally unexpected. And, just like they said it would, next to the moon Mars had become the brightest object in the night sky. 

As I stood marveling at the sight, I thought about all the major prophetic events that have already occurred in my lifetime. If you recall, Jesus gave His lesson of the fig tree, and then said all the end-time events would happen in just one generation (Matthew 24:32-34).

When I returned to the house I had an interesting email waiting for me. The sender politely challenged me to explain the time frame needed to rebuild the prosperous city of Babylon that is destroyed in Revelation. In this persons opinion, he couldn't see all of this happening in his lifetime.

I thought again about the unexpected sight of Mars gleaming in the night sky. And, I realized what was wrong about the question in my email. Because I had speculated on my Website about a rebuilt Babylon in Iraq becoming the Babylon of Revelation, there were people expecting the prophecy about Babylon to be fulfilled just like I had speculated.

We students of Bible prophecy need to remember to separate speculations from facts on the ground (or in the sky). And, we have to remain open to the unexpected -- prophecies that are fulfilled in ways we don't expect.

For example: I remember when a common belief among prophecy students was the Soviet Union would fall when Russian attacked Israel, and this would pave the way for the rise of the Antichrist. Although the Soviet Union did fall as expected, it didn't fall in the way expected. It fell on its own.

Here's my point: At this point in time the exact meaning of the Babylon of Revelation is still somewhat speculative. And, it's possible the prophecies concerning Babylon will be suddenly fulfilled in an unexpected way -- like the fall of the Soviet Union. 

In the mean time, the facts already on the ground are sufficient for me to think this generation could be the last. Israel has been reborn as a nation. The old Roman Empire is coming back -- it even has 10 horns. 

And, next to the moon, Mars is the brightest object in the night sky.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.