What Herb thinks
Unfaithful Condi?

Something to remember about Bible prophecy is God sees differently. And, as in any communication between parties, this difference must be understood. In order to understand how God sees things, we need time in His Word. With this point in mind, let's consider our title question, Unfaithful Condi?

How, if that's the case, has Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice been unfaithful in God's eyes? Condi is a Christian and her father a Presbyterian minister. Her personal testimony is compelling. As far as walking the walk, Condi has always set her course using the highest ethical, academic and professional standards. And on top of all her impressive qualities, Condi has what some in my generation simply call "class." So, where and how has Condi been unfaithful?

From God's point of view, a child of His becomes unfaithful when they look to someone other than Him for provision and protection. For example, in Scripture Israel is said to be unfaithful when Israel's leaders turn to making alliances with surrounding nations instead of looking to Him for what they're seeking. My point is, Condi -- as a Christian -- should be aware of this. She should know that trusting in alliances with those who are enemies of her God and her people will only lead to her people's captivity and humiliation. So, where was she unfaithful and when did this happen? I suspect it may have happened when she was invited to dinner with a friend Read about it here.

Perhaps you have seen the commentaries. People -- particularly Christians -- are wondering what happened to make Condi suddenly agree to the Arab League's cease-fire plan. If you recall, she was saying Hezbollah first had to be disarmed. She was saying there could be no cease-fire until Israel finished destroying Hezbollah's ability to cause trouble. She was saying a strong European led international force -- not a UN led force -- had to be deployed. Suddenly, that all changed. Why? I believe it may have changed because of something that happened at the dinner Condi had with the EU's Javier Solana and the UN's Kofi Annan. I suspect something happened that, in God's eyes, was an act of unfaithfulness. 

You see, Solana has made it clear where he stands on Christians running America's foreign policy. Solana believes they're standing in the way of his new international order. And, I suspect to a greater extent then even he knows, his assessment may be right. Whether we like President Bush and his polices or not, one thing should be obvious -- instead of being loved by the European internationalist as was President Clinton, Bush is hated.

Here's what I think: I believe we Americans may be at the crossroads. We will either continue to trust in the God of the Bible and our fathers, or we will start making alliances with God's enemies. We will either keep our first pledges, or have relations with those who seek to destroy us and Israel. We'll stand and survive, or pay for our unfaithfulness.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.