The European Convention had finished its job. On July 10, the Convention delegates lined up and placed their "John Hancocks" (signatures) on the final draft of what is to become known as the Constitution of Rome. Under the new constitution, not only will the European Union become a legal personality, it will have many of the trappings of a nation state. It will have a flag, an anthem and even a motto -- "United in Diversity." However, if you've been following the news, the only thing the EU appears to be united in is absurdity (Read about it here). Evidently, as insults and bitter accusations were being hurled around
among EU member states and on the Convention floor, the Convention's Chairman,
Valéry Giscard d'Estaing, calmly sat on the rostrum feeding and
praising his dragon-headed turtle named Wukei. The silly turtle isn't real!
I believe it's because Europe, for the most part, has rejected God. And, in so doing, many Europeans have by default fallen victim to the madness of Postmodernism. Postmodernism can be defined as an intellectual rebellion against our modern culture. It is a rebellion against knowledge itself. It is the absurd belief that knowledge is unknowable. Although postmodern thought never found ground in our natural sciences, it seems to have found good soil in less strict intellectual circles. No, a Postmodern nation's motto shouldn't be "United in Diversity." It should be "United in Absurdity." 7-11-03 |