As I write, London police are preparing for masses of anti-Bush marchers who will jam their city's streets next week when president George W. Bush visits with prime minister Tony Blair. What will they be protesting about? They'll be protesting British support for what they see as an American led war against Iraq for oil. And here's where it gets interesting. The EUobserver is reporting president Bush is planning on using the trip to let the other European leaders know the United States doesn't want to see an EU superstate emerge from their Inter-governmental Conference going on in Rome (Read about it here). Does this mean Bush and Blair, both professing Christians, understand Bible prophecy the way we do here on FulfilledProphecy.Com? I don't think so. You see, since the meeting of the Western world's political and military leaders at the Munich Conference last February, the writings been on the wall. Europe and American's 50-year marriage is over. And, NATO will be divided between them. Perhaps the most alarming part of this for America were the resent EU summits with China and Russia. Both of these summits were of great strategic importance. You see, with China the EU secured help for their Galilieo space project. Galileo is the EU's rival to American's GPS satellite system. Question: Why does the EU suddenly need their own GPS system? With Russia it is being reported the EU secured help in the areas of police, science and technology. Question: What's not being reported? How did the EU manage this deal with Russia? By offering the EU's help in Russian becoming a member in the World Trade Organization (Read about it here. Yes, the writings on the wall. The US fears this EU superstate. And according to prophecy, it should. 11-10-03