What Herb thinks
The Visiting Roman Prince

For students of Bible prophecy, here's an intriguing bit of news. This week Italian prime minister Silvio Berlusconi will be visiting the Middle East and Israel (Read about it here).

Berlusconi says he's making this visit at the request of US president George W. Bush. And, as you may know, in only a few weeks Berlusconi will begin his Italian presidency of the European Union.

Why is this of interest to students of prophecy? Because, according to the Old Testament book of Daniel, in the end-times -- after Israel has been restored as a nation -- a Roman prince will come and sign a seven-year agreement with Israel, which he will break only 3 1/2 years later (Daniel 9:27). 

But the prophet Daniel wasn't the only one who warned about this event. When Jesus was asked about what the sign of His coming and the end of the ages would be, He answered:

"Therefore, when you see the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION which was spoken of through Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (let the reader understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains (Matthew 24:15-16 New American Standard Bible).

And regarding the coming of the Lord the Apostle Paul said the same thing. He said:

"Let no one in any way deceive you, for it will not come unless the apostasy comes first, and the man of lawlessness is revealed, the son of destruction (2 Thessalonians 2:3).

Does this mean I think Berlusconi is that coming Roman prince? No, I don't think so.

Why? Because, Berlusconi is the prime minister of Italy, and is a member of the EU's new 10-nation military alliance. As you know, I suspect this 10-nation alliance could be the 10-horns on the head of the first beast from the sea in Revelation 13, and the fourth beast from the sea in Daniel 7.

In Daniel 7 it says an 11th horn will come up among the 10. And this horn will be small and different from the others. So, since Italy is one of the first 10 horns, I don't think Italy could also be the 11th.

However, I certainly believe we may be seeing the stage being set for that future deal between Israel and foretold Roman prince in Berlusconi's Middle East tour. 

Here's why I think this: Last November I wrote a commentary about a report in the Jerusalem Post that Israeli Foreign Minister, Binyamin Netanyahu, asked Italian prime minister Berlusconi to look into the possibility of Israel joining the EU. Soon after, Netanyahu went to Italy to discuss the issue with Berlusconi. And, according to Jerusalem Post's Herb Keinon, at this meeting Netanyahu also brought up the idea about Israel adopting the Euro.

Since this meeting, Berlusconi said he was in favor of Israel joining the EU. Now, with his EU presidency only weeks away, the Italian prime minister is already touring the region.

Here's my point: By the time an agreement about membership is reached between Israel and the EU, the new, super EU will be on the scene. And, if certain powerful people get their way, the EU will have one, powerful figure running the EU's entire foreign and security policy and heading their 10-nation military. In fact, these people want this figure's new office to be raised to be on an equal footing with EU member states.

So, whoever this person turns out to be, that's the man I think I'll watch.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.