This is a stark example of what may be coming our way. Even as the EU's Javier Solana is preparing to be the first international diplomat to visited the evacuated Jewish settlements in Gaza Read about it here, a group of about a thousand Jewish fundamentalists are holed up in a synagogue preparing for a fight Read about it here. When the Israeli government signed on to Solana's 1995 Barcelona Process, I doubt the Jewish people believed the provisions in the agreement to fight fundamentalism world wide ( Read about it here ) included Jewish fundamentalism. They believed it only meant Muslim fundamentalism. Now, we know the truth. It means all fundamentalism. I see difficult times coming. Our enemy is real. If we let down our guard even for a moment, he will take quick advantage. And, when I read the type of fluff that's filling most of today's Christian chat rooms and commentary pages, it scares me. I fear too many of us, including myself, have not been serious enough about the power of our enemy and the dangers of the spiritual war in which we participate. Words that assure us and provide comfort we are quick to accept. Words that do the opposite we either attack or ignore. Friends, yesterday it was just a war against Muslim fundamentalists. Today the war has been expanded to include a band of Jewish fundamentalists in Gaza. There's no reason to believe it won't soon be expanded to include many of us Christians as well. Don't get me wrong. I don't compare what we believe here at FullfilledProphecy to the type of fundamentalism we're seeing in the Muslim world, or in the Jewish settlements. Jesus teaches us to love our enemies and not to fight back. We are to respect our government and honor our authorities. However, this distinction is not recognized by our enemies. So, are we ready? 08-18-05