America's war against Militant Islam may have begun on September 11, but now it's clear America's war with the European Union began on June 5, 2000. And, as it was at the beginning of it all, France is still out front leading the way. While US and British diplomats were on the phone with national capitals seeking support for a UN resolution setting a deadline for Iraq to disarm, France's Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin, was out personally visiting the same capitals trying to convince them not to support the resolution (Read about it here). The Western alliance has changed. On a televised interview last night Henry Kissinger (Herb photo) said it wasn't the fact that France was against the American sponsored resolution that concerned him, it was the fact that France was actively fighting against American that concerned him. And, Kissinger has reason to be concerned. You see, on June 5, 2000, the 10-nation Western European Union adopted its Assembly Recommendation 666. The following July France took over the EU presidency. And, with the help of Javier Solana -- both the Secretary General of the WEU and Council of Europe -- France and Solana implemented Recommendation 666. They made the 10-nation alliance the military wing of the EU and they created an independent military command structure for it in the Council of Europe. Now here's where it gets real interesting to students of Bible prophecy. Just four days before Recommendation 666 was adopted, on June 1, the EU's Euro-Mediterranean Partnership went into force between the EU and Israel. The goal of this agreement was to establish a free trade area by 2010. Now, ask yourself this question: Could there be a relationship between these two events -- the event of June 1 and the event of June 5? I believe there is. Let me explain: In November 1995 Javier Solana negotiated the Euro-Mediterranean Partnership for Peace between the EU and 12 Mediterranean countries -- including Israel. Not only did this agreement began a process (the Barcelona Process) of establishing a free trade area between the EU and the Mediterranean region, the agreement actually began a process of attempting to bring these 12 countries into the EU. Although the Euro-Med agreement was signed in 1995, it didn't go into force with Israel until June 1, 2000. And, wouldn't you know it, just four days later the 10-nation WEU adopted its Recommendation 666 which marked the beginning of the EU's foreign policy strategy to compete with the US over the Mediterranean region. With this in mind, it's no wonder France's Foreign Minister, Dominique de Villepin, is trying so hard to stop America from going to war with Iraq. It's not that France is against an Iraqi war, it's just that France dosen't want a long-term American presence in the Mediterranean. Now, many people are beginning to notice. What I recorded in my book (Learn more) and have been warning about here on FulfilledProphecy.Com is finally coming to the light where everybody can see. America's new war isn't just with Militant Islam, it's also with the EU. And, it began with Recommendation 666. 03-09-2003