MP Elmar Brok has issued a clear warning. Brok says, if the EU's new Constitution enters into force as it is, and if Javier Solana becomes the EU's new, super Foreign Minister, Solana's powers could become uncontrollable. Brok warned: An independent 'super administration' of that kind would take on an uncontrollable life of its own, unduly raise the status of foreign minister, even in relation to the Commission president Read about it here. If you've read my book, or have been following the news here at FulfilledProphecy, you are already aware of the democratic deficit in the EU's new military machinery. And, when the EU's new Foreign Minister comes on the scene in 2007, that democratic deficit will only get worse. So, if we're already aware of this dangerous situation, why did it take a report by an MP named Elmar Brok to make others aware of it? Well, I don't think making people aware was Brok's only motive. You see, Brok has been trying to bring the EU's military wing under the oversight of the EU Parliament ever since the military wing was first established back in July of 2000. If you recall, the EU heads created it by implementing the 10-nation Western European Union's (WEU) Assembly Recommendation 666. This brings us to the power struggle now going on in the EU. The battle is being waged between the Assembly of the WEU -- the same that adopted Recommendation 666 -- and the EU Parliament. It seems, both bodies want to be the one that provides the democratic oversight over the EU's new military wing. In the mean time, the EU heads who are providing the military don't really want to be bothered by the oversight of either democratic body. In fact, there are those who believe, if the EU Parliament continues to push the issue, it will only play into the hands of the EU "big three" -- France, Germany and the UK -- who would just as soon sidetrack all democratic oversight anyway Read about it here. Nevertheless, with his new report, it appears that Brok is still pushing the issue. So, what will the "big three" do about Brok? And, what will Solana do about the "big three?" Interesting, isn't it? 02-28-05