I'm beginning to think America's spiritual leaders aren't doing their job. Let me explain why I've begun to feel this way. If America's spiritual leaders had been doing there job, I believe America's political leaders would have shown much more caution in making their Iraqi war plans. Although most still believe America will finish the job started, it's becoming apparent the Bush administration underestimated the military force necessary to do it. And, the result of this misjudgment could well cost more lives and do lasting harm to American interests in the region. I see the same over-confidence in the way the Bush administration has been dealing with Europe. Once again, had America's spiritual leaders been doing their job, I don't believe America's political leaders would have been so blind-sided by France and Germany's recent betrayal in the United Nations Security Council. As a result if this diplomatic miscalculation in the Security Council, America's prestige in the eye's of the world has been greatly reduced at the time it was needed most. Here's my point: If ever there is a time when America's spirituality can make a difference it is today. Never in America's history has there been so many Bible believing, born again, Christians in positions of power. This being the case, why are America's political leaders being blind-sided by the events taking place in the Middle East and Europe -- events that were clearly foretold in scripture? I can only come up with one answer. America's spiritual leaders aren't doing their job. And, if America's spiritual leaders aren't doing their job, who's watching
the store?