The British have begun demanding democracy in the European Union. I'm not talking about just a few Eurosceptic or super conservative factions. I'm talking about all of Britain's most important political parties. The article reports: The proclamation, the first time that all British political groups have joined forces in Brussels, is particularly embarrassing for Mr. Blair because it is signed by Gary Titley, the leader of the Labour Party in the European Parliament. It is also signed by the heads of the Liberal Democrats, Conservatives, the UK Independence Party and the Greens Read about it here . What we may be seeing is an attempt at reversing the way things work in Brussels. You see, when the EU heads are asked by their folks back home why they had made certain decisions in Brussels that negatively effected their country's interests, the leader could always blame the other EU heads in Brussels. This time, it may be the other way around. When British Prime Minister Tony Blair, the person who currently holds the EU's rotating presidency, sets the EU's agendas, he may be forced to tackle that dreaded monster that everyone knows exists, but nobody dares face -- the EU's democratic deficient. And, if the other EU heads say anything, Blair can blame it on the folks back home. Way to go Brits!! 09-07-05