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How many time have you heard it was wrong to let current events interpreter Bible prophecy? The next thing you know, the person making that statement does exactly that. How? By looking at the situation that they think they see in the world, instead of looking at the prophecies that may have been fulfilled. In fact, that's one reason I believe so many of today's end-time ministries may be so far behind the curve as to what's actually going on both politically and prophetically. The current crisis in the Middle East is an example. If you only listen to the news reports and the statements coming from our world's leaders, you may think we still have a ways to go before the final prophecies can be fulfilled. However, it you look at the prophecies that may have already been fulfilled, the whole picture suddenly changes. The final events of history may already be in sight. It's amazing how just a little piece of wrong information can have such a large blinding effect. Take for example our interpretation of who the little horn is in Daniel chapter eight. If we believe it's referring to the coming Antichrist, we may be expecting to see a 10 nation alliance appear in the Eastern leg of the old Roman Empire. If , however, we believe as I do -- that chapter eight of Daniel is referring to the Greek kingdom and the rise of Antiochus Epipanes, we may be open to the idea that the 10 nation alliance could appear in Western Europe. And, you will naturally take special notice of the 10-nation Western European Union. Here's my point: No matter how we believe about Bible prophecy, we may have already been witness to seven possible fulfillments out of ten that were foretold. We have seen the rebirth of Israel (1), the revival of the old Roman Empire (2), the appearance of a 10 nation alliance (3), the appearance of a Mr. Europe (4), who's Office and authority is identified with 666 (5), who negotiated a covenant with many (6) that, beginning on January 1, 2007, he plans on confirming for a period of seven-years (7). What are the three prophecies yet remaining? If we've seen the fulfillment of the first seven, we should expect to see three kings from out of the 10 nation alliance somehow subdued (8), and, sometime around 2010, we should see Mr. Europe stepping in and putting a stop to Israel's Temple scarifies and offerings (9). And, after Mr. Europe and the 10 nations wage a short campaign against God's people, we should expect to see our Lord stepping in and putting an end to the world's madness. So, am I allowing current events to interpret the prophecies? Or, am I allowing the prophecies to interpret current events. We soon shall see Read about it here I And here. Are you ready? 07-18-06