What Herb Thinks
Weaseling In

So that's it: They're weaseling in.

My last commentary was about how the United Nations Security Council was preparing for another round between the Bush administration and the weasels -- the anti-American factions within the European Union championed by France.

The first round was over the US and British sponsored resolution requesting UN authorization of force against Iraq. Not only did the weasels oppose the resolution, it's believed they led the Bush administration into a clever trap forcing the US and Britain to start their war without international legitimacy.

And as I reported, now the Bush administration is once again going to the Security Council for a resolution. Evidently, the US is in serious need of help from the international community in rebuilding Iraq. But, like I said, instead of sharing Washington's seriousness the weasels are grinning. And it looks like round two between Bush and the weasels is about to begin.

This brings up a good questions: Why aren't the weasels willing to support their old and trusted ally America? 

This is what I think: I think they will end up supporting America in Iraq. However, they have a price. They want to be allowed to send their EU forces into Israel.

So, while the press is full of reports about how the Bush administration wants to send international forces into Iraq, France has begun calling for international (European NATO) forces to be sent to Israel (Read about it here). In other words, I think the weasels want to cut a deal and weasel in.

You see, since the adoption of Recommendation 666 back in 2000, the real battle being fought is between America and certain factions within the EU over control of the Mediterranean. And, from the beginning, France has been at the forefront of this battle.

Stay tuned!


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.