What Herb Thinks
"What Do You See?"

Once God asked the Jewish prophet Jeremiah, "What do you see, Jeremiah?"

"I see a rod of an almond tree," said Jeremiah.

God answered, "You have see well, for I am watching over My word to perform it" (Jeremiah 1:11-12 New American Standard Bible).

This short exchange has always intrigued me. It was as if God was first testing Jeremiah's ability to see the way God wanted him to see before putting him to work as God's special spokesperson.

You see, our ability to see things the way God sees things is of first importance. Until we see things the way God sees things, we are of little use to Him.

How do we learn to see the way God sees? There is only one way -- by getting to know God's word. When God asked Jeremiah that question, the word of God was being delivered to you and me through Jeremiah. The prophet wrote down what God said and now we can read God's word to Jeremiah in the Bible. 

What does God say? God tells us that He is watching over His word to perform it. In other words, we need to know God's word -- the Bible -- because that's what God is watching over to perform.

Here's my point: We need to know our Bibles better. Why? Because our Christian media and churches are being filled today with teachers who claim God speaks through them, and yet they can't see things according to what God has said before. The result is, their followers aren't being properly warned about the coming wolf.

Let me explain: I got on this issue of the importance of seeing correctly because of an article posted in the EUobserver. It was about a Danish political leader named Torben Lund who looked at the EU's new constitution and actually saw what it meant -- a loss of democracy and national sovereignty. Lund said, "I am not sure the citizens are in any way aware of what's going on. All the changes are duly labeled in calming phrases" (Read about it here).

On the other hand, Henrik Dam Kristensen, the person who may replace Lund, sees things different. He says, "I totally disagree with Torben's analysis."

What do I see? I believe Torben Lund has it right. The EU's new constitution is leading to a loss of democracy and national sovereignty. Why do I see it that way? Because, God's word tells us, in the end times, there will be a revival of the old Roman Empire. And, from this revived Roman Empire, the most terrible dictator the world has ever seen will rise to power -- the Antichrist.

I believe this is what we're seeing. And, God's people should be made aware of it.

You see, God is still watching over His word to perform it.


Copyright 2003 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.