What Herb thinks
What Made FP #3

When I discovered FP had become Alexa's number three end-time Website, I was as surprised as anyone. What could have made FP number three? As I was putting together my next DVD, the answer came to me. And, the answer may scare you.

At the very top of FP's home page you will find these words: The unreported news on Bible prophecy. You see, FP has been reporting the news that the two leading Alexa Websites don't. That's why FP has become so popular. If the other leading Websites had been covering the same news, FP would have never even gotten off the ground.

This leads to another question. If FP has become number three reporting news the two leading Websites don't, why don't they report the news too? One thing I know, it's not because they don't think the news could be potentially important. If you recall, Hal Lindsey, owner of the number two Website, actually did report the news. In fact, back on December 16, 2004, Lindsey reported the news in WorldNetDaily and titled the commentary, 'Late Great Planet Earth' revisited. The following month, on January 4, 2005, he again reported the news on his TBN television show. Lindsey even had a picture of Javier Solana in the background with words below it that said: Future Fuehrer and the EU. What Lindsey was suggesting was obvious to anyone who had read his The Late Great Planet Earth. Chapter nine in his book is about the future Antichrist. And, Lindsey titled the chapter, The Future Fuehrer.

That was almost two years ago. Since then, Lindsey has made little mention of the news he thought important enough to be covered in WorldNetDaily and on TBN. Why is that? Here's where the answer my scare you. I believe the reason Lindsey and the other leading Website don't report the news that FP reports may be because the rapture hasn't happened. Let me explain:

Perhaps the most notable Bible prophecy scholar was the late John Walvoord. In the latest revision of his book, Armageddon, Oil and the Middle East Crisis, Walvoord, on page 201, provides a summary of unfulfilled prophecy. The first four prophecies he listed yet to be fulfilled are:

  1. Rapture of church
  2. Revival of Roman Empire; Ten-Nation Confederacy
  3. Rise of Middle East dictator
  4. Peace treaty with Israel: seven years before second coming of Christ to establish kingdom on earth
Notice, according to Walvoord, the rapture is supposed to happen first. After the rapture, that's when we are to see the appearing of the 10 kings, the appearing of a Mr. Europe, and a seven-year covenant involving Israel.

So, when FP began reporting a 10-nation alliance that appeared in 1995 and the first EU High Representative and head of the 10-nation alliance that appeared in 1999, Alexa's two most popular Websites had a problem. Either their pre-tribulation rapture doctrine is wrong, or the events that FP is reporting are not the fulfillment of the prophecies. Evidently, they chose to go with the latter.

In the meantime, more of the foretold events may have happened. Three of the 10 nations from the alliance -- Britain, France and Germany -- decided they would take control of the EU's common foreign and security policy. In other words, three of the 10 kings began standing in the new Mr. Europe's way. And, after negotiating a covenant with many nations in 1995, Mr. Europe drew up another instrument where, on January 1, 2007, he plans on confirming his previous covenant for seven years. Today, Mr. Europe has evidently been given the green light by the Bush Administration and international community to find a comprehensive settlement to the continuing Middle East crisis.

Friends, that's why FP is number three.

The rapture hasn't happened.

Copyright 2006 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.