What Herb thinks
What Next?

Was the disaster in New Orleans an act of God? If so, why? Was it because of this weekend's scheduled Southern Decadence event? Was it because of America's involvement in the so-called "land for peace" way of settling the Israeli Palestinian dispute?

If you recall, 9/11 was a historic first. It was the first time we Americans suffered casualties on our home soil. Hurricane Katrina may turn out to be another historic first. Katrina may be the largest natural disaster in American history. If so, I can't help but wonder how may more historic firsts may be on their way?

You see, the Apostle Peter tells us that judgment begins with the house of God (1 Peter 4:17). No, I'm not saying God sent Katrina because New Orleans was more sinful then any other city. And, I'm not saying God sent the storm because of what's going on in the Middle East either. What I'm saying is, for some reason, this time, God didn't spare us from the disaster. Both godly and ungodly people died in New Orleans.

The Apostle Paul, however, did have something interesting to say to the believers in Rome. Paul said:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men who suppress the truth in unrighteousness (Romans 1:18 New American Standard Bible)

Have you ever wondered exactly what Paul meant? Was Paul thinking about specific historic events? Or, was Paul just thinking in general? Either way, it doesn't change the meaning of the message. The bottom line is, God doesn't like wickedness. And, He takes action from heaven against it. 

Yes, according to Bible prophecy, we know someday God's wrath actually will fall on all the wicked, unbelieving world. But, before that happens, God's judgment could begin with us -- with His own household.

Friends, 9/11 and Katrina could be just the beginning.

If so, what next?

Copyright 2005 Herbert L. Peters. All rights reserved.